Internet Security


What is IPv6?

Product: Internet Security By: Richie Brody Created: (28,12,2021 at 11:56 AM)

In the 1990s, an upgrade called IPv6 introduced 128-bit IP addresses that were close to 3.4×10^38. Even if everyone in the world had a billion cell phones, that would be enough. However, IPv6 has not been fully implemented since its birth. But why?

IPv6 is not compatible with IPv4.

If the site runs on IPv4, but your device and ISP only use the new protocol, it will not be accessible. Your device also needs to be IPv4 compatible to access websites.

Most modern routers and electronic devices today support IPv6, but for a seamless global transition, all devices, operating systems, and ISPs will need to upgrade their systems. To avoid any service interruption, they must run both protocols at the same time for a period of time, which can be costly.

For the average user, the benefits are not obvious.

Businesses will struggle to justify investing in new technologies if consumers cannot see their immediate impact or value. Building more IP addresses is an important and long-term goal, but it won't affect everyday users until we actually run out of addresses.

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