Internet Security


Internet Security

The old cliche that there are few women in Bitcoin is getting a bit tiring. Plenty of women contribute to the technology, community, and investment side of what we consider one of the most exciting human developments of our century. Alongside VPNs, of course. If you’re on twitter and not already fol.....
Let’s talk about data. No, not your Facebook likes that companies use to spam you with targeted advertising. Or your metadata, which reveals a great deal about you (and your cat). We’re talking about the actual data of you. Your DNA. Your DNA is your genetic fingerprint. Your DNA is utterly unique. .....
Remember back in school, when you and your best friend would exchange secret notes across the classroom in code? The two of you muffling giggles because you knew that even if the teacher confiscated your scribblings, she wouldn’t be able to read it… While your own ciphers were probably pretty basic,.....
Photos, documents, saved video games, and old emails: We accumulate a lot of data throughout our lives. And just like our parents’ attic, our digital bags are getting fuller and fuller. Luckily, there are multiple options to store data, and it’s getting cheaper and cheaper never to throw anything aw.....
Five years ago, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA extensively collects information on citizens worldwide. It’s now clear that privacy is no longer a right we can take for granted. What’s more, the recent information shared by WikiLeaks surrounding CIA hacking and spying emphasizes a chilling fact.....
HTTPS vs. VPN is a battle that makes very little sense. Both are important means of internet protection, and they can be used together. There is absolutely no conflict between the two. HTTPS and VPN similarities and differencesHTTPSHTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, which ensures t.....
As we get better at securing our computer systems, we are discovering that the weakest line of defense is, in fact, the human being. Social engineering is the dark art of manipulating people. Social hackers might want access to a building, to get hold of information they aren’t supposed to have, or .....
Moving abroad is exciting. Exploring new places, trying new things, and getting a taste of different cultures can add some spice to your life. But being in a new country can also be difficult. Many experience loneliness and culture shock. Whether you’ve relocated for study or work, a VPN is a welcom.....

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