Internet Security


Internet Security

For a lot of us these days, the internet has become our sole tether to the outside world, connecting us virtually to family and friends and facilitating our work and play. If you weren’t already spending a lot of your day looking at one screen or another, chances are your screen time has skyrocketed.....
Silicon Valley and San Francisco’s Bay Area have long been synonymous with Big Tech. It was the center of the dot-com boom of the ’90s, which ushered in the fastest adoption of new technology in modern history, thanks in part to the quick rollout of broadband internet. But the region’s tech credenti.....
With cafes and restaurants shut, major sports and music events cancelled, and movement outside your home restricted to essential trips to the supermarket, a lot of people are turning to their devices for entertainment and escape from monotony. If you’re stuck indoors, and working from home, it’s nor.....
It will not surprise anyone that internet usage has surged dramatically since the pandemic started, thanks to much more time spent at home. In the early days of Covid-19, streaming platforms have had to slow down their speeds to cope with the influx of demand, and some ISPs have pledged to lift data.....
If you’re frustrated at not being able to switch batteries in your older generation iPhone, or not being able to update your classic click-wheel iPod, we have some good news for you. The European Union is planning to roll out sweeping measures that would require manufacturers to make it easier for y.....
The internet was initially envisioned as a medium for the free flow of information and knowledge—hence its early description as the “information superhighway.” But governments and corporations have realized that such an outcome is deleterious to their interests. That’s why the open and unrestricted .....
To understand the story of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we must rewind back to 2011. That was when newly graduated Austrian lawyer and data protection activist Max Schrems filed a request with Facebook to see all the information that the company held on him. Max was livid when he r.....
The Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies (EARN IT) bill was introduced into the U.S. Senate by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal in March. The bipartisan legislation argues that tech companies need to do more to control the flo.....

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