Internet Security


Internet Security

Facebook harvests a lot of your data, even when you’re not actually using it. Now, finally, Facebook is letting you see and delete that information. Named Off-Facebook Activity, this ability to toggle what Facebook can see you do outside of its website was rolled out a few months ago, in January 202.....
Tomatoes. They’re juicy, good for you, and taste great on pizza. They’re also an effective weapon for taking out drones, as evidenced by a recent incident in Kyiv, in which a resident used a jar of tomatoes to down one of the flying objects. And we can’t really blame her. Having a drone buzzing arou.....
Sick of giving away your data to Big Tech and having your every move tracked? A VPN will help. So will opting out of a few features on your devices. Here are easy setting changes that can improve your privacy if you’re using an Android phone. 1. Google location historyLocation history, when enabled,.....
A replay attack is when a third party intercepts and “replays” a secure data transmission, allowing the third party to interact with the receiver as though they were the original sender. It’s a relatively common and surprisingly simple form of cyberattack.  How does a replay attack work?Imagine Tom .....
Your age is just a number. How you use social media and what you think of the internet say more about you. While our quiz is just for fun, it is loosely based on real-world stats about internet use among different age groups. Unsurprisingly, younger people use much more social media than older indiv.....
To build a profile of you, advertisers can gather a multitude of information. They can follow you around the web using a tracking code, browser fingerprinting, store cookies on your machine, or even buy your credit card data. But advertisers can also follow your physical location: Bluetooth beacons .....
We use the internet for just about everything in our personal and private lives—and what we do online has become valuable data. Large corporations want to track our activity so they can serve us with targeted advertisements. Internet service providers (ISPs) might wish to keep tabs on our digital be.....
Malware, or “malicious software,” is a term for a variety of viruses, spyware, or ransomware (cryptolockers) that cause harm to a user, their data, or devices. The term malware implies malicious intent on the side of the software developer, as opposed to, for example, unintentional software bugs, wh.....

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